Costs & Payment Policies

Set-up & Workflow

Track Your Workflow

Hold/Reserve Means:
When you have a specific date in mind and would like to hold or reserve, please call or email Alyson and she will mark your date either "On Hold" or "Unavailable" on Karl's Public Calendar.

Intake Means:
You need to fill out our Intake Form and email it to Alyson so that she can send you a confirmation packet

Confirmation Means:
Once Alyson receives the Intake Form, she will send a confirmation packet to all participating attorneys. This packet contains a letter that provides crucial details, policies and procedures, an invoice and Karl's one-page resume.

Preparation Means:
Once your mediation has been confirmed, you need to gather certain types of materials, pay us, and ensure that your party will have a representative present at the mediation who has full settlement authority.

KB Reviews Means:
For Karl to prepare appropriately, he wants to review your materials ahead of your session. We need these materials delivered to our office at least 3 days prior to your mediation to give Karl appropriate time to review them fully.

Mediation Means:
The live meeting of all parties and clients in the dispute and their representatives. This meeting takes place either at our offices or another agreed location.

Follow-Up Means:
Anything Karl needs to do to help complete settlement negotiations, whether or not your dispute actually settled on the day of the mediation.

Ready to Get Started?

Please feel free to use this website to simplify your life and organize your experience with us. To get the ball rolling, we've made it easy to check our availability, our facilities, and our prices.

  1. If you're ready to have your legal assistant(s) start working with Alyson, ask them to give her a call or, better yet, email her. If you'd like to visit with Karl, give him a call here.

  2. Ask your client to review Karl's formal resume and check for potential conflicts.

    If clients are interested in getting to know Karl and Alyson a little better, you can send them to read about us here.

  3. When you and your client are ready to hire us, and you've picked a date, please contact Alyson so she can start your intake.

  4. Once we've received your intake information, we'll send a confirmation packet that explains how best to prepare for your mediation.

Next: What to do after you've hired us and before your mediation