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How We Do Mediations

I'm a 30-year trial lawyer and former engineer who's comfortable working outside - and alongside - court systems.

My 13-year-old yellow Lab runs the "My Dog Georgia Mediation Service." Her service offers cheap rates for people who don’t want to prepare or learn anything from anyone at a mediation. Georgia won't express strong opinions about the problems with your case or ask people to talk to each other. She just carries offers back and forth between rooms until you get tired ... or she does.

    Cost: $100 and a few dog treats.

Carolina and I help people have safe, fair fights. Our clients are folks who are hoping to resolve a dispute without having to talk to a judge or jury.

We know you need certain information to prepare your team to have a fair fight that resolves your dispute ... or at least helps you move towards settlement. So we've designed this site to help you get what you need as quickly and easily as possible.

Once you decide you want our help, you will simply need to direct your team to get what they need from us. Much of what they'll need is available here online. The rest is just a phone call away.

We've worked on disputes in almost every kind of subject imaginable. If you'd like to read more about our background in specific areas, you can do that here.

Different from a court setting, the
way we mediate disputes has few rules.

But that doesn't mean you can sleepwalk through a mediation.

We need and expect to have all counsels' help developing a process that creates the kind of environment in which your dispute can settle, if it's meant to settle.

Mediation is not just what we do on the day we get together.

We invite you to take a look at our "Rules for the Road" and hope you'll use them to make things easier for you. Feel free to share this list with clients if you think it might help them.